Warped Cigars was founded in 2007 by Kyle Gellis, whose passion for cigars began as a child. Inspired by his father, an avid cigar smoker, Kyle began studying the art of cigar making at an early age. At the age of 18, he began regularly visiting Miami’s historic Little Havana neighborhood, where he deepened his knowledge of cigar making and blending.
Warped is distinguished by its unique approach, combining Cuban traditions with modern techniques. The brand uses high-quality tobacco from Nicaragua and works with renowned factories such as El Titan de Bronze in Miami and TABSA in Nicaragua. Gelis personally creates the blends, striving for balance and complexity in each cigar.
Warped's portfolio includes popular lines such as La Colmena, Maestro del Tiempo and Flor del Valle. The cigars are characterized by rich, nuanced flavors, ranging from mild to medium-strong. The brand is known for its attention to detail and commitment to consistent quality.
Warped Cigars is quickly gaining a reputation among cigar connoisseurs as an innovative and dynamic brand, offering a unique smoking experience inspired by Cuban traditions but adapted for the modern aficionado.